Root Resorption Repair in Lexington & Belmont, MA

Eagle Endodontics provides root resorption repair in Lexington and Belmont, MA. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Root resorption is the breakdown and loss of the root structure of a tooth. This occurs when living body cells attack part of the tooth. Root resorption frequently occurs because of a change in pressure on the surface of the root. Resorption of adult teeth can be caused by trauma, inflammation, aggressive tumors and growth, among other things. If root resorption is caught early enough the tooth can be saved with a root canal or simple surgery. It is best to see your endodontist who has cone beam technology to determine the best course of treatment.

Types of Tooth Resorption

There are two main types of tooth resorption - internal resorption and external resorption.

External root resorption is resorption that impacts the outer areas of the tooth. This process usually starts around the cementum (an area that protects the root) and spreads. It can leave holes or chips in the tooth, as well as cause the roots to be short and flat. While it is the more common type of resorption, it is still not a very common dental issue.

Even more rare is internal resorption. As its name suggests, it impacts the inside of the tooth causing erosion from the inside out. It is incredibly rare and is often found in patients that have experienced dental trauma or have undergone some complex oral surgery recently.

Diagnosing either type of root resorption involves the need for 3-D imaging.

Symptoms of Root Resorption

Quite often, root resorption is asymptomatic. That means you may not have any symptoms at all or realize that something is wrong. For those who do have a few signs, here’s what you may look out for:

  • Toothache or tooth pain that radiates from inside the tooth
  • Pink, reddish, or dark spots on the tooth
  • A brittle tooth that chips easily
  • Cavity-type holes at the gum line
  • Loose teeth
  • Inflamed or swollen gums
  • Shifting teeth - and the appearance of new gaps between them

Of course, the best way to ensure you are getting the treatment for root resorption when it is needed is to routinely visit your endodontist.

Frequently Asked Questions

How common is root resorption?

The various types of root resorption can impact nearly 10% of the adult population.

Is it normal for kids to experience root resorption?

Yes. Kids experience root resorption when their baby teeth fall out. As soon as they are ready to fall out, the bone between the baby tooth and the adult tooth, as well as the root of the baby tooth, will begin to waste away. The baby tooth falls out and the adult tooth comes in.

How can root resorption be prevented?

Reducing your risk of root resorption can be done by protecting your teeth from dental trauma, such as wearing a mouth guard while playing sports or while sleeping if you have bruxism. Though the greatest way to prevent root resorption is by visiting your dentist for a cleaning and exam every 6 months.

Can root resorption go away on its own?

Not always. Some minor cases - especially those resulting from orthodontic treatment - may stop on their own. Seeking consultation from your endodontist will help determine the best course of treatment.

How fast does root resorption occur?

Root resorption can happen in a matter of a few months if it is not treated. It can come on rather quickly and wreak havoc on your root’s surface quickly.

Does root resorption impact surrounding teeth?

Yes and no. Root resorption in itself does not spread to nearby teeth. However, when the health of one tooth is impacted - especially if the tooth is lost - it can potentially impact your other teeth and your overall oral health.