Choose Endodontic Care In A Dental Emergency

Choose Endodontic Care In A Dental Emergency

Briana Mele Endodontics

Dental emergencies come in different forms. From toothaches to injuries, some situations are urgent and need immediate care. Emergencies can be stressful, and you may not know where to go for treatment. In many cases an endodontist is the medical professional you need in a dental emergency if you want to have the best chance of saving your natural teeth. 

What is a Dental Emergency? 

There are a few different dental situations that are considered emergencies: 

  • Severe Toothache. A tooth that is constantly hurting may have an infection. The sooner it is treated the sooner you will feel relief and the greater the chances that the tooth can be saved. 
  • Broken Tooth. A broken tooth should be treated as soon as possible to prevent exposure of the dental pulp to infection. 
  • Knocked Out Tooth. A knocked out tooth can often be put back in place as long as it is done as soon as possible. Treatment within 30 minutes offers the best chance of saving the tooth. 
  • Cracked Tooth. A crack in a tooth may not seem severe, but prompt treatment can prevent the crack from worsening and the tooth from becoming infected if bacteria enters the tooth through the crack. 

Why Go to an Endodontist in a Dental Emergency? 

Endodontists specialize in restoring the health of your natural teeth from the inside out. At the center of each tooth there is soft tissue containing blood vessels and nerves, called the dental pulp. This is the life force of the tooth that helps it develop and thrive. If the dental pulp becomes infected by bacteria or damaged due to trauma, the health of the tooth may be in danger. 

Endodontic treatment may include any number of procedures, root canal therapy being the most common. In a root canal the dental pulp is removed, the tooth is cleaned out, and a filling is placed in the tooth. A dental crown may be placed over the remaining tooth material to protect it and allow the root to remain intact. 

Why Immediate Treatment is Important 

In a dental emergency, it is best not to wait to seek treatment. The situation will only worsen and the chances of saving your tooth will be reduced. 

  • A small crack in a tooth can be easily treated, but if it spreads and extends under the gums, the tooth may not be able to be saved. 
  • A knocked out tooth can only survive out of the mouth for under an hour, as long as it is stored in milk. It can also be placed back in the socket, or held in carefully in the mouth. If it is placed in water or allowed to dry, it may not be saved. 
  • A broken tooth is susceptible to infection. Immediate treatment may save the tooth, but waiting could cause permanent damage. 
  • A severe toothache is hard to ignore, but letting it go untreated could result in permanent loss of the tooth. 

A tooth that can’t be saved will have to be extracted and preferably replaced with an artificial option, such as a dental implant or bridge. Immediate treatment to save your tooth could also save you time and money. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Emergencies

Why is water bad for a knocked out tooth?

Water begins to break down the cells of the tooth roots. The longer a tooth remains in water, the lower the chances that the tooth can be saved. It is best to put the tooth back in the socket if you can, or store it in milk until you reach our office. 

Can I go to the Emergency Room for a dental emergency?

If a dental emergency becomes life threatening, such as uncontrolled bleeding, loss of consciousness, or breathing difficulties, call 911 or proceed to the nearest emergency room. Otherwise, the emergency would be best handled by an endodontist who has the necessary tools and experience. The emergency room can provide you with the immediate care you need to be stable, but they don’t provide dental treatment to save your tooth. 

Why Choose Eagle Endodontics? 

In case of a dental emergency, Eagle Endodontics provides 24 hour emergency service when needed. During regular office hours we will see you as soon as possible. After hours please call 781-863-2453 for our Lexington office or 617-612-5677 for our Belmont office and follow the instructions provided. Someone will contact you shortly with further instructions.