Can A Loose, Permanent Tooth Be Saved?

Can A Loose, Permanent Tooth Be Saved?

Team General Dentistry

Do you have a permanent tooth that is loose? This can happen due to a variety of causes. If one or more of your permanent teeth are loose or have come completely out of the socket, immediate treatment is in order. 

Can loose permanent teeth be saved? In many cases they can, but it depends on the situation. Here’s what you need to know about the reasons for loose teeth and what to do if it happens. 

Causes of Loose Permanent Teeth

There are a few different potential causes for permanent teeth becoming loose: 

  • Gum disease. Gum disease is a bacterial infection of the gum tissue. It occurs when plaque forms on your teeth and hardens into calculus. The bacteria contained within plaque and calculus can infect the gum tissue, causing it to pull away from the teeth. The teeth lack adequate support and become loose in their sockets. 
  • Injury. An injury to the mouth can cause damage to one or more teeth. Sometimes the damage is visible, and sometimes it is not. Even when there appears to be no visible damage, one or more teeth may have been affected by an injury in such a way that the tooth begins to break down from the inside. The support structures around the teeth may have also been damaged from the injury and may pull away, leaving them unsupported and loose. 
  • Infection. A tooth can develop an infection due to a crack, chip, or cavity that allows bacteria to enter the root canal and infect the dental pulp, the soft tissue inside the tooth. This can spread to the supportive tissues and cause them to pull away from the teeth until they become loose. 

Endodontic Treatment for Loose Teeth 

Teeth that are loose due to internal damage or infection may be able to be saved with endodontic treatment. The most common endodontic treatment for a loose tooth is a root canal. The procedure treats an infected tooth by removing the dental pulp and all of the infected tissue from the inside of the tooth. The tooth is then flushed out, disinfected, and filled with an artificial composite material that preserves the structure of the tooth and prevents reinfection. A dental crown is typically placed over the tooth after a root canal to protect the existing tooth and root structure. 

Additional Dental Treatment for Loose Teeth

After the tooth has been effectively treated with root canal therapy, there are additional dental procedures that may be needed to help save the tooth, including: 

  • Stabilization. The tooth may need to be stabilized using a splint that attaches the loose tooth to the other teeth that are already stable. This holds the tooth steady while the gum tissue and supportive cartilage reattaches to the tooth to reestablish natural support. 
  • Periodontal treatment. If gum disease is the cause of loose teeth, you may need periodontal treatment to eliminate the infection and allow the gum tissue to heal and provide support for the teeth. 

There is Hope For Loose Permanent Teeth

The good news is that in many cases a loose permanent tooth can be saved with the right treatment at the right time. If you have a loose tooth or teeth, don’t wait to seek treatment. Contact your dentist, endodontist, or periodontist right away so that the necessary steps can be taken to save your tooth. You may need to see a combination of dental specialists for the best chance of a successful outcome. 

Eagle Endodontics Provides Treatment for Loose Teeth

If you have one or more loose teeth, contact Eagle Endodontics to schedule an evaluation. We provide root canal treatment as well as other dental procedures that may be able to save your teeth. Our goal is to restore your dental health and help you keep your natural teeth in place for your lifetime. 

Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.